What Would Brian Boitano Do?

What would you say to a younger version of yourself?  "Make a plan and follow through.  Because that's what Brian Boitano do."

From the oldest version of myself, so far,  to the younger me, I would say to make plans and follow through. Unfortunately, I seemed to lack any planning in my life up until the last 20 years. I set the New Year's resolutions and created lists of goals I would like to accomplish, but my sense of time and practical nuts and bolts left me with a long life of getting very little done.  However, I vividly recall that I was most successful when I did stick in on a project.  So going forward since about 1999, I have been very good at making plans and following through. I figured out how to get into and graduate from the University of Washington in the shortest time possible.  I bought a house. I learned how to ski, snowboard, and scuba dive to a professional level.  Now I am learning the blogger trade.  In the last year, I have turned my attention to doing better every day.  Better daily plans based on long-term goals and backed up by the experience of smarter people than me who have already done better for themselves.

All the rest will follow.  Like a shooting star, it finds its way in an ocean of space.  It does not worry about the sky behind or in front as it makes its plan and follows through.  There is a leap of faith here.  Do I trust that I know myself well enough to chart my own course?  A little faith can take you a long way.