Unsteady Apostle, The 5 am Club, Ice The Fake Food Group

I went into clinic Tuesday for my weekly IV fluids. This treatment has gone on so long that I think the kids of my original IV team have taken over trying to stick a vein. In fact, on Tuesday I broke in my new IV team. They got my line in with one stick. Perfection. Then I went next door and had a pre-op screening. It's time again to get sawed in half. Today I was unsteady enough that they asked me if I wanted a wheelchair and who was picking me up after clinic? Yikes! I may have put off my turn on the table few weeks too long. This surgical sideshow in my life has been an attempt to maintain as much "original functionality" as possible. But, I wish I had bit the bullet and gone full ostomy (poop bag) six years ago. My nurse sister pointed out that if I had done that, I would always wonder if the half-measures I undertook from the start would have solved my problem. Well, the whole experience has left me unsteady. I may have been sawed in half too often to enjoy the Italian ice at Keck hospital anymore. I look forward to a conservative improvement of 20 to 30 percent in my overall capability. That's enough mojo so as not to need a wheelchair and a ride home after treatment, and maybe I won't fall asleep in my chair.
Making successful hard choices in our personal lives is dodgy at best. We have to have faith that we are doing right by ourselves. It's about being our own apostles. We make the best choices and hope things turn out right. When they don't turn out right, we have to fall back on our promise not to give up on the person we are trying to become. The famous apostles failed in their missions but kept their faith, not giving up on who they were trying to become.
What I am reading this week
I started reading The 5 am Club Robin Sharma. Getting up early and being productive is the goal of this book. I like it but she is preaching to the couher with me. B cause, I offten get up early to tend to all my personal needs. It's when I have the most energy. Also, it's when there are fewer distractions. My view on the downside is that it could isolate me from people. I don't want to fall into the Adam Sandler stand up joke. He gets up and does not have much to do, eats two breakfasts to fill up the time. He says it's a trap. It could put you out of sink, getting up so crazy early, wondering at 11 am, "When will this day end?"
Next Week
Please tune in next week; this apostle will give you a play-by-play of all the frozen things they let me eat after surgery. Serioiusly, there is a whole page of menu items that are some combination of frozen water and packages I can't open. Also, the best look in hospital gowns. Lastly, will I crack 100 kilos on the jello diet, and what are 100 kilos in pounds?