Back to school reset and underdressed as usual KT

Back to school reset and underdressed as usual KT
Kitty Carlisle Hart. dressed to the 9's

One of my husband and my favorite celebrities was Kitty Carlisle Hart.  She appeared on a tv game show called to tell the truth.  She always showed up in some Fab gown because she was going to a show or event after the taping.  You know, like the Met Gala.  See the youtube montage here.  Last month my body decided not to get dressed up.  I have been in hospital socks and gowns.  I had a couple of hospitals stays with testing, horrible food, and surgery.  It's all too gruesome to describe. I want to skip all that transpired to say I am on the mend looking forward to achieving a fighting fit state in a few weeks.  My dog has no idea how much walking we are going to be doing the next three weeks. I started wearing better shirts and my fancy hats to leave the house. I feel it will balance out me living in bedclothes most of the summer.   In my mind, that is what Kitty would advise me to do.

Next on my agenda is my back-to-school reset.  Kids get a reset every fall when they start a new grade.  Someone once suggested that we should also give ourselves the same treatment, without the pee-chee folders and new gym togs as an adult.  It's a good time to give yourself a tune-up.  Also, get your oil changed because you can't tell me you remember when you did it last.  So, I am starting a new grade.  With my health improving, I would like to pursue some more lucrative employment.  There seems to be a good base of job prospects out there, and I feel ready to move on.  The covid lockdown is winding down here in California.  I am ready to go back to the gym mask or not.  Maybe I will need the new gym togs after all?  Lastly, of course, my writing.  I have always wanted to be a writer. The whole lack of skill and terrible spelling have held me back.  But this back-to-school season, I am committed to my goal to write my blog weekly. Three back to school goals

Confession time.  

I want to thank my husband for not leaving me on the curb at the rest home, which I so deserve.  I promised him I would be out of the hospital in a day or two based on facts I pulled out of my butt.  I lied.  Or, as we say in polite company, I was quite wrong.  I made him suffer, and it was wrong of me.  My ability to make up facts to resolve conflicts and answer the "unknown unknowns definitively" is legendary.  My sisters called me Professor Know-it-all.  Like a musician hears her music in her head, I hear the lies in mine.  Like the name of the show in my game show reference, "To tell the truth," I want to add one more back-to-school goal, To Tell The Truth.  Learn to tell the truth.