The TMI Post about Crohn's and Biologic drugs.

I read this and decided to shave it off my regular post. Only people with IBD-related issues would want this much detail. It's not a sexy illness, and who wants to know about my poop issues?

I drove myself to Keck Hospital Infusion Center today. There is more as if I am not taking enough supplements and prescription drugs. I have to restart taking a biological drug; my Crohn's disease has been detected again, so back on Stelara for me. The nice thing about this drug is that after the 1st dose by IV at the infusion center, the pharmacy will send it directly to my home, and I can self-administer monthly. I have been on it before. Last Fall, I got to stop it post-surgery when I went full-time with an ostomy, and they removed the last bits of my backside.

Last Friday, the eye Doctor showed me a blemish on the back of my eyeball picture, and she said this blemish shows up in people with Crohn's. "Great, I thought loudly; now it's in my eyeball." To paraphrase a Joan Crawford movie character, "Oh, mother, weren't the intestines bad enough? Anyway, I picked out a new pair of reading glasses. I ordered them from with my new ℞ ones from Costco. I will call the distance pair after I see if the first pair are a good fit. Glasses are super cheap online. Ordering a few pairs online is more affordable than a single pair from the eyeglass shop. When you get your script, have them add the prescription details, like the size of your head and the distance between pupils. The more complex the prescription, the more information you need.

We ordered a new mattress. It came on Tuesday. For the last ten years, we have had a bed to which we added a 4" memory foam topper; this combo has been comfortable, and frustratingly difficult to get sheets to stay on properly. I think the old dog will be happy that she can get up on the bed much more easily with the shorter stack. I woke up Wednesday morning feeling pretty good. The new mattress is a success. While doing the change out, we treated the box springs with sour apple spray to keep our dog from gnawing on the wooden slats. In the last year, when we were away, she loved to chew up our furniture—bad dog.