Using a Top Five Lists, This Far No Further

In the Hobbit - LOTR movies, the wizard puts his foot down and tells a demon that he, "shall not pass" and "this far and no further". I would like to report that the treatments I have been taking for my autoimmune disease have put their collective foot down on my behalf. The scope of my whole digestive track from my mouth to where it detours out my tummy is all clear of inflammation that was creeping up from below. Also, my fancy j-pouch that was a four-alarm fire of inflammation last year is looking better. I am well pleased because in the last five years I have been fighting what seemed like a losing battle this is the first time I have had some good results to share. I normally don't share it's not a condition that anyone really wants to hear about, to begin with.
Do you have a hard time picking your favorite single item or instance of anything? I have resorted to saying an instance or item is in the top five. The reference comes from a book, My Talks with Dean Spanley, there is a movie version where a character played by the elderly Peter O'Toole makes an authoritative pronouncement that a particular pet dog was one of the five best dogs in the world. So ever since I have started calling my favorite things as members of a worldwide top five. Who is going to call you out if your pronouncement is not in the top five?