The Road to Walla Walla Making Room for Something New.

The Road to Walla Walla Making Room for Something New.
Photo by Kundan Rai / Unsplash Passing through Yakima Washington Walla Walla is a bit farther than you might expect.

There is a saying, "You don't get to the top of Mount Everest by wandering around."

In my experience, I created a similar expression that you don't drive to Walla Walla by mistake. Here is my story, I once drove my mother and her sister Fran from Seattle to Walla Walla to visit the Walla Walla Walmsleys. It was an all-day drive; if you ever have the option, fly. I admit it is so nice they named it twice; however, I have a religious belief against car trips that take longer than 4 hours. Also, my mother sat in the front seat and would not let me speed. In hind site, I should have made her sit in the back seat with her sister. Anyway, the route to Walla Walla takes too many turns without a plan. If you don't make all your turns, you will end up in another state.

Planning for Success holding pattern

Between my Crohn's disease and age, I recently qualified for disability. I will write a post about the process separately. I did not plan on retiring early, but here I am. I have been sidelined for a few years, so my day-to-day activities are not changing. I choke down a handful of pills, walk the dog, and take naps like I am 85. What is improving is my long-term uncertainty. I have been living moment to moment, not being able to plan. It has kept me wandering in a holding pattern. My mantra has been Every Hour, a New Day because I only had control over the next hour. I did not know what to expect with my health or disability case. For example, I have been trying to market myself for part-time remote work to fit in between lying down or sitting up for IV fluids. Now I know better what is next. It's not Walla Walla.

Letting Go and Making Room

My husband was clearing out his closet. He has been holding onto clothes and shoes since we worked in catering. The next day he picked out some clothes and said the best part of clearing out the closet was that it was still full but full of clothes that fit.

I had a similar purge over the last two years. I was selling my scuba diving kit. There is so much of it from 35 years of diving.  I always imagined it could have its Batman cave to display my kit hanging up. However, that is not true. It is mostly under my bed and spread across several storage lockers. I was not getting any bites for the bulk of my gear. Happily, I found out my nieces' boyfriend was looking for equipment last spring, so I am gifting it to him. Now I can make room in my space for things that fit.

What Am I Reading This Week?

Mastering the Skill of Reinvention | Pamela Mitchell

I rift with her point about starting with a plan because you don't end up on top of Mount Everest by wandering around.