The Password is

I took on a project to update all my passwords.  It started with an alert from my google account the provided me with a list of all my known compromised passwords.  That means that Google has identified the site they open as having had a data breach, or the password is on a list of stolen passwords.  I looked it over and found that 1/3 are for accounts I no longer have.  Another group belongs to my company, and some belong to my husband.  That means the list is not as long as it looks. So I only have to look out for the few that are current and mine.  

The Project is not making much headway.  I am using my blog post to shame myself into getting on it.  Either I am lazy about getting started, or I am feeling fortunate.  "Well, I ask myself, Punk, are you feeling lucky?"  Since the browsers have autosaved my login and passwords, I don't pay close attention.  It's a bad combination, the need for complex passwords that do not match, and disinterest in tracking them.  Unfortunately, I have not been as diligent about the actual passwords.  Biometrics and finger drawings are all that keep me coming back to my on-line-life.  I hope I never lose my thumbs, I will be locked out of my "interweb."

Maybe password updates should be part of my new years' system.  That is a group of tasks that I do at the end of the year to prepare for the change in perspective.  Here are a few of my end-of-year tasks. First, I thin my teeshirt collection by letting go of everything with a hole in it.  Honestly, I do not need my clothes to help me look shabby at my age.  I also fill out the pages of my new journal with monthly task list pages and a calendar feature.  It helps me to keep my days from running together in my head.  Also, I pushed all the books I did not get to this year onto the start of next year's reading list. I think adding password updates is a worthy use of my end-of-year task list.

I had a thought I wanted to share about this time of year.  In our society, we are arguing and disagreeable about so much.  But counting down to New Year is something we can all do.  It's when we all agree to call something done, stick a fork in it, and decide to start something new together.  Happy New Year!