The One Thing

Today I woke up feeling poorly and could not seem to get my day started.

There is a movie called City Slickers.  There is a cowboy who is the best cowboy you can imagine. Iconic in his horsemanship and know-how.  His name is Curley.  He never has much to say. He is busy being the best cowboy he can be.  Finally, another character in the film asks him about how he lives his life, his secret to happiness against adversity?  Curley says, "one thing."   He goes on to say that you have to focus your life on doing one thing.  

Today I had a wheel spinning early morning of distractions.  Finally, I pushed my technology aside and pulled out my spiral notebook to focus on what I had to do today. It worked for me.  I drilled down to one thing. When I did everything fell into place.  I have planned the next two weeks, taken care of minor issues, done my chores, and even shaved.  Curley's advice popped up after the fact.  When I got to journaling, I pulled up my daily newsletter from James Clear. He suggested not to do too much and to do one thing.  My feverish little mind jumped right to the movie reference with similar advice.

"Do less, keep returning to one thing, and continue to refine it." | James Clear

For the rest of today, I am going to be the best desk cowboy I can be.  I will change into my most enormous belt buckle at lunch and rename my tasks chair trigger.   Giddy up Trigger the dish water just finished, Yee Ha!