The Heat is On, Welcome to Air Tags and the Dog Days of Summer

I am very susceptible to the summer heat, more than I should be. I don't absorb enough water with the "kit" I have left after my treatments for Crohn's disease. So, my activity level has dropped off significantly. I'm not particularly eager to discuss my health in my blog. This is a Crohn's free zone, a place where I can pursue other topics. However, it's evident that I don't have the mojo to write and read when the temps are up.
Over the weekend, I had a scare that only happens in our modern world; my wallet went missing. I am going to RF tag it so I don't suffer that trauma again.
On Friday, I stopped to get some stuff at the store and realized I did not have my wallet. The next day the panic started. That's when I started playing the "hand slap game" of A. should I call my cards in as lost and suffer the frustration of resetting my password and auto-pays; against B. waiting for the location of my wallet to make itself known? I strategized with my husband on Saturday that I should wait and monitor my accounts for any activity. On Sunday, I did a sideways search of cleaning up and sorted all the documents and drawers at my desk to productively look for my wallet.
Patience Finds All Solutions
Patience paid off in this case, the wallet was in the drawer where I always keep it. The damn thing got pushed back out of sight. I won the hand slap game by waiting. Like I always say, "Everything works out in the end."
What I am working on in the Garden is sprouting.

Remembering to water is the dogs' job. When I take her for a walk, she wants to go back to the Garden and check for other critters. It's a case of making hard things easy. I already have to walk the dog, so stopping to water is an easy add-on. I am starting with hollyhocks. I sprouted them in a paper towel and moved the towel to the soil outside.
Happy Anniversary
I want to thank the makers for the man in my life. I got him one of his top five favorite flowers to put in our window from Mickey Hargitay Plants. It's the best plant shop located in Hollywood on Fountain.

What I am reading next
My next book is The Lincoln Highway | Amor Towles
I have not read it yet. But it is next on my summer list from Bill Gates.