The Circus Rings of Ideas

The Circus Rings of Ideas
Photo by Becky Phan / Unsplash

I recently had an insight into trying new things out.  Could it be I have exhausted my love of covid-19 lockdown routine building?  Let me think...YES!  When the circus comes to town, it's a well-oiled machine with acts that have been practiced to perfection.  It all had to start somewhere with an idea and a pair of funny giant shoes.  But to the fan in the seat, it's all new stuff.  Doing new things is exciting and builds insight and hatches ideas.  All work and no play will make us dull people.

I am not stepping away from my routine building and habit stacking personal development lifestyle.  I have not spent this extended learning how to build databases in Notion and fold my tee shirts to fit perfectly into the drawer for maximum storage efficiency—standing by my commitment to improving my life if it kills me. This Circus ring is just getting a practice run right now.  Every day at noon, I am going to try something new. It could be anything on my wish list, a suggestion, something I think I will hate. But, the activity is the catalyst to expand my imagination and see what is possible.  Even if I discover it is not likely the practice will get me one giant clown foot closer to my debut in the center ring of my circus life.