Today Is Brought To You By The Color Purple.

Today Is Brought  To You By The Color Purple.
Photo by Christopher Jolly / Unsplash
"Point to the stars, don't concentrate on the finger, or you will miss all the heavenly glory."

( an unknown sourced song source, but it was a song lyric.)

Over the last six months, a big part of my treatment has been mental work. When you break a leg or have an infection, the treatment time limits. You get sick, and then you are better. My situation is long-term, and I have to accept I will not get any better. I should have started this mental work years ago. Here is what I know for sure. What I focus my attention on will make or break my spirit. Therefore, I will find something to be thankful for every day and report it. So I have a habit in my daily to-do list. I have to report three things that went well, and one thing I am grateful for that day. Today I walked the dog, and it nearly killed me. But I saw a tree in bloom, and it was awesome. Today I am thankful for the color purple (see my photo). It is so much better to have thankfulness to think about and talk about than the gallon of goo I need to drink before my next examination. Be mindful of what is important to you daily.

Music I am listening to this week: lots of Quivver on Amazon Music. Two v's. It's a techno/dance style that I find refreshing.

A project I am considering: replacing the SD Drive on my Mac Book with a larger one: I worked out the cost to be about $130 for the new stick drive backup, sd drives, adaptor, and the screwdriver that will open up the beast. I have watched several how-to videos on youtube. The physical change of the drive is easy enough. However, the backup and reloading of all my work make me what to put it off. But my 2017 drive is reporting too full to function.