Why Should the Devil Get All the Best Tunes? Success Tracking and the Free Apps on Your Phone

I had Ah-Ha connection between a clever thought I picked up from reading and my actual life. Early Thursday morning, I mixed up my workout drinks for the next day. I had my moment of connection. Here is the clever bit. "You have everything you need to succeed." All the skills and resources you need to start anything are already present in your life. I got it from James Clear. Here is where it touched on my real-life situation. I am on a mission to get into better shape now that my medical condition has stabilized. I knew about diet, exercise, and tracking for results. I used that knowledge to follow my diet and exercise like the weather service tracks a hurricane. I am using the diet and exercise app that came with my phone. I already had everything I needed to succeed. It all came down to starting.

Ninety-three percent of my success is contingent on starting. The rest falls into my lap by random chance. When is the best time to start something? Ten years ago, when is the second-best time to start something? Right now.

Phone App Brag: According to the step tracking app, I am in the top 27% of step-takers in my cohort of 60-year-olds. I could lose thirty pounds in a year just by walking at my current step count.| KTD

What am I reading this week?

The Compound Effect | Darren Hardy

I was reading this motivational book over a few years ago. It was free on Audible. The free stuff tends to be advertisements for some other book or course. I got distracted by the authors' support of "the Donald," "the mayor," and "the professional bike-riding drug cheater." Of all the options of people who would be good examples to showcase for leadership and personal achievement,  I think he killed his book's lasting appeal by choosing indicted felons.

But he covers some solid personal development strategies that I am sure "the donald" would never follow through on. If the donald would not, that's a good sign he is sharing some good stuff I should follow through on myself. I am getting over him being overtly a trump supporter. To paraphrase Martin Luther when he commissioned new music for his church to outclass the papists' songbook, saying, "Why should the devil have all the best tunes?" If a Trump supporter, who is not a total nut job, shares some solid advice, why not take advantage of it yourself?

You have everything you need to succeed. All the skills and resources you need to start anything are already present in your life.