Steps and Doctor Dog
This morning, I was walking the dog around the block. Halfway down the block, I had to stop and steady myself from a dizzy spell. This is not where I wanted to be in my recovery.
Making progress or innovation on any level is more about what alternatives you let go of over what choice you decide to pursue. I was reading about Steve Jobs dropping an innovative technology with a lot of promise to pursue other options. We must focus our energy on a narrow path—a painful choice to leave good ideas by the wayside like a sacrifice to make progress on a singular effort.
I have been watching an Appletv fictional show about the space race. This letting things go to make progress is the same principle as launching a rocket. When an Apollo rocket takes off, it drops the bigger stages along the way to get the bit at the top of the rocket to the moon.
What is going on with my treatment for Crohn's?
I have lost a step or two since the end of last year. It's a scramble to get my groove back. My care team switched up some meds and boosted my fluids. This week, I am getting a handle on my situation. On Monday, I felt a bit better. I am returning my step count to my pre-holiday high mark of 10k steps.
Ask the Dog.
My biggest tip-off that I have lost a step is how the dog cuddles me. She knows when I don't feel so hot when I don't even notice the changes. Usually, the little dog is aloof. She has a pillow under a table where she watches me from afar. But she has been herding me onto the bed or sofa, burying her head into my side. I think she is after ear rubs and petting, but also, she has better sense than I do when I should be lying down. My husband calls her the bio-tricorder.
What am I reading this week?
I am still working on Feel Good Productivity by Ali Abdaal. My reading has been off while I don't feel well, and I have not had working headphones. I read my books on Audible. The topic he covered today had to do with burnout. Getting burned has many causes. It does not have to be because you worked too hard. It could be because you have lost interest in your project or job. He covers some tactics for overcoming short-term distractions and identifying when to move on from your situation and start something new.