Starting a Successful Morning Habit, Dolphins, Dreadlocks, Drama, Pendant Lamps, Star Trek Hair

Starting a Successful Morning Habit, Dolphins, Dreadlocks, Drama, Pendant Lamps, Star Trek Hair
Photo by Talia Cohen / Unsplash

Let me start with a disclaimer. I do not condone or approve of captive dolphins and whale zoos. It's a horrible business. Therefore, please do not support operations that offer captive dolphin swimming schemes.

Update on My Chrone's Treatment

I am doing great. I saw my care team on Monday; they think my body is healing nicely. Currently, my crucial metric is dehydration. I don't absorb enough water. Even my eyeballs dry out. So I get IV fluids to top off my tank weekly. I am balancing not pushing too hard on exercise, with expanding my envelope of activities day over day. There is a lot of resting built into my day. Last weekend I made it around Echo Park Lake in one go. Lastly, I no longer have to take opioids to slow down my bodily functions. I am slow enough as it is.

What is the hottest topic at home?

My husband has the best hair in his office. This is according to his coworker. He got a Captain Christopher Pike cut that he rocks splendidly. It's phaser-proof. We recently had a beach day during which we played a silly game to make all our small talk references to how great his hair looked. If you interact with my husband, please mention how great his hair looks.

What am I reading

5 am Club |  by Robin Sharma

When I started reading this book, I was not sure it was on the topic of starting your day early. It took a while to make sense. 5 am is an unreal time reserved for channel swimmers. But I don't want to blame the book. My brain just kicked in gear after coming off the pain pills this week. So rather than a cut-and-dried technical exposition of the value of having a morning routine that elevates your life that you can find in any other self-help book, this book tells a fictional travel story. There are death threats, dreadlocks, droll drivers, and swimming with wild dolphins. The fictional characters with no names are engaged in travel and romance/bromance with a dancing billionaire shaman. It's a thin storyline, but it gives you enough distraction to absorb many historical quotes that you usually find at the start pages of any other self-improvement book's chapters. In the case of the nameless artist and industrialist characters, they would not have much to say to each other if they were not quoting someone else, and congratulating each other for the quote, and wearing or using objects with topical quotes emblazoned on them. I love the quotes. They give me reading list material to follow up on.

The travel. dimension of the story is magical and total fiction. The mysterious host picks up two strangers at a seminar and whisks them around the world and across the date line, yet they all seem to be able to get up at 5 am no matter what. Every day at the magical hour of 5 am, the wizard-like guide offers wisdom and excitement about elevating one's life with a morning routine of self-improvement, self-awareness, and service to others. I suppose if you are a billionaire, your ability to avoid passport control and visa applications will make you appear to be a wizard.

Like most of my reads, this one is an audiobook, and the PDF attachment is helpful for the details. I will listen to it a couple more times while the old dog, aka trash panda, drags me around Los Felz in search of dirt to roll in.

What am I working on?

I have no fear of electricity and the scars to prove it. | me

I have a matching pair of old pendant lamps. Unfortunately, the wiring and switches have all decomposed to the point where they are not working. I was able to order the replacement parts from an online source. (Nb) Wire sizes are measured by a couple of metrics: gauges and the number of wires. If unsure, ask your hardware guy what kind of wire you need or take the original wire with you to the store. It's not brain surgery but it can burn your house if you do it wrong. My parts are coming in two batches, so I won't have a completed project to show until next week. Stay tuned.