Remember Why You Started This to Begin With - David Goggins

I had to confess the other day to my client that I did have a writing degree, but I got it 30 years ago. There has not been incremental improvement in all that time. So why did I start a blog when I can't write?  Because it is supposed to be fun for me.  Also, if I practice, I will get better.  What I need to do is write often and rewrite for a different feel. I wish I had continued to write after college. But the tools to make it work for me did not exist then. Now I have spell check and reference software to look up my links. In college I had a Smith Corona typewriter with a amber tone screen. I could not have pulled my current work off in an hour as I can now.  "The best time to plant a tree is 30 years ago, the second-best time to plant a tree is today." unknown source, please do not sue me.

In reading news, I recently finished Bomber Moffia by one of my favorite authors Malcolm Gladwell.  My first reaction was shell shock.  My mental gymnastics concerning the morality of how we fought world war two has caused me mental PTSD.  The people who thought they could use precision bombing of Germany and Japan as the path to victory with reduced casualties had the moral high ground, at least in my mind.  They were wrong.  As much as it makes me cringe to admit it they were short sighted. Bombing innocent people into the stone age was the path to fewer deaths and victory.  Curtis LeMay and Robert MacNamara were war criminals for what they did to Japan. I have always cast them as villains to make sense of the world.  Still, according to Gladwell, even the Japanese admitted General LeMay was a hero for Japan and us and the whole world for forcing the war to end sooner by bombing the cities.  When doing the right thing is wrong and doing the immoral thing is right.  I can not stick that gymnastic landing in my mind.

Where does my feverish little mind get its other ideas?   Newsletters from people who are thoughtful and successful.   I would like to share them with you because who has the time to look for content more than m?. Unfortunately, I can't always commit to podcasts. The time it takes me to walk the dog and listen to podcasts at the same time gets shorter as the days get hotter.  Curse you, Hollywood summer by way of global warming. My shortcut is the email newsletter.  My friend Corey says three is the best number to pick for any example, so today I will go with three.  James Clear, Gretchen Rubin, Tim Ferriss.  I have a whole marvel universe of back up thinkers I will share in the future.  Here is to hoping that some of their brain juices will enhance my mojo too.