Pumpkin Seasoning Everything Season Plans in Piles I would Pay to See that


I was today years old, when it dawned on me, that if we wanted to have a Christmas Party this year, we had better plan it last week. In Hollywood, we went from being hunkered down in the AC escaping from the heat one day to pulling on a hoodie and stocking cap to walk the dog in the fog the next day. I confess, it was 72 and foggy. Don't judge me north of the wall people. It was still 40 degrees colder from the start of the week. Cold is a relative experience.

Mark came in from outside to switch into shorts at about 11 am. In LA Fall keeps short hours by mid-morning the sun has chased away the fog and the overcast gives way to glorious sunshine and 80'f. Also, my fall task has started. I keep setting the timers back to run our outdoor lighting in sync with the shorter days. They are funny mechanical clocks with tiny knobs. I have to use a pair of plyers to get a grip to move the switches. Now, from the kitchen, costume changed to shorts and a tee-shirt, he announces we are out of Pumpkin Spice seasoning. Silly me, here I thought that jar was self-replenishing like 100 other jars of seasoning that rarely get used, but apparently, you can run out of a good thing. Welcome to Fall.

Breaking Bad stop me from spreading the love.

I feel rudderless sometimes. I tend to leave my activities unfinished. I thought that if I set up extra shelves in the office I could spread my tasks, projects, and paperwork out so that I could see what was next. Seeing my work was going to help me finish my work.

So, once I filled up all the new shelves in the office where I was tasked to contain my "creativity", it moved to the piles on the floor routine. And eventually, I started bringing my current project out of my office to the living room. The stack of papers and projects piled on my desk, the coffee table in the living room, the floor next to the bed, and most other surfaces. My husband is at wits end with me. I have broken his mind. He is now collecting Hamilton Mint Plates.

I am trying to put the genie back in the bottle. Mark suggested I had too many shelves set up so I took one down to give me more negative space and right away I liked it 87% better. In a perfect world, my office would be an aircraft hangar with industrial racks and forklifts. In the real world, I need to start keeping open space in my mind and curb my tendency to pile up projects underfoot.

What tickled me this week?

Singer and songwriter Kim Gordon on the power of going for it:

"People pay to see others believe in themselves."

Source: The Guardian by way of James Clear 3-2-1 Newsletter