Perspective, Giant Waves, Fine Details

Perspective, Giant Waves, Fine Details
Photo by Jeremy Bishop / Unsplash

Ask us what we did see. Don't tell us what we missed.

We are on vacation in Oahu on Waikiki beach. It feels strange, but it's a nice break from the rain in Los Angeles. We went to Pearl Harbor and marveled at the Big Waves on the north shore. Then we climbed the crater of Diamond Head from the inside; well, one of us stopped halfway up. Also, we went to a fancy Luau and Hawaiian Dance show and swam with the fish in a coral lagoon inside a volcano. For us, it's a one-time-only trip, so hold your tongue about telling us all the places and things we should have done. We went to Hawaii and didn't get killed by the natives. So, beat that Captain Cook.

We thought about putting it off until I had more stamina, but I thought it was better to go now, knowing what stamina I had in the bank. Who can say what I will be able to do in the future?  Here is how I did keeping up with the day's activities. There is nothing like getting out of your home groove to test your limits. This trip has revealed that I have a long way to go to be fit and work-ready. Firstly, I do not have abs of steel, and my wheels are not on fire. Secondly, my mental functionality is pretty limp. Also, I had an infection, and a tooth pulled on the third day we were here. Not a huge deal, but with my existing hydration and stamina limitation, one more hitch in my get-a-long leaves me dragging.

It was a minor detail

Our last morning, and there was a detail that was not settled about how to get back to the airport. We assumed it was all settled. We originally booked a car for the whole trip but nixed that and the agent took it off but did not add our airport transfer back in. I got to spend half an hour on hold to fix that and wait an additional hour to confirm the pick up time. While I waited I did the final edit on this post and packed my bag for final departure.

What am I reading this week?

Someday is today | Matthew Dicks

This is a guy who never says no. He engadges new opportunities and expands the range of options that open up as a result. The more you say yes the wider your experiences will be able to wander.

He is able to get by on less sleep and never waits in lines. He focuses on what is important to him and cuts off nonsense that serves no good purpose. There are no games on his phone. He skips meetings and paperwork and mostly gets away with it.

So, today, while I waited on customer service hold I got a good deal of focused work done. Thanks to the examples in this book for reminding me to be in charge of my time and say yes to new opportunities.