Papers, Please, and The Doctor Scanned My Gizzard for Some Happy News Ileoscopy a Success

I am venting this morning. Pet peeves, so hold on, I got three to spill. Then, some brilliant news I should have led with, but I only have so much energy to sit up and write.

First, I don't understand how a driver's expired license is not valid as identification. Do I stop being me when the license is expired? I get that you need to have it up to date to drive, but as a primary proof of identity, why would it matter if it expired in the last 30 days? It's my best grumpy old man pet peeve this week. I went to pick up a prescription that requires an ID. They would not give it to me because my ID had expired.

My second pet peeve of the week. I made an appointment for faster service at the DMV. I went to get the new license, so I needed to collect my prescription. The guy behind me in line for photos told me that he had only been at the DMV for an hour without an appointment, "me too," I said. I did not save any time making that appointment in advance. Grrrr.

Oh, inside hack from the lady at the DMV desk. If you try to renew online, the website says you must go to the office. Try again. Sometimes, the DMV site will let you complete the application online even if it says no at the start. Try a few times. You may still have to go in, but it will save some time in the office, having already filled out the application form. I would go one step further: when you try again, use a different browser. Also, if you get the real ID, Take two pieces of official mail, bank statements, and utility bills showing who sent them along with your current address. You will need a passport or driver's license to complete the task. Check with Homeland Security's website for up-to-date instructions.

Hold on, I have one more.

At the end of my third line at the DMV, the lady tried so hard to get my fancy travel ID approved. I originally applied for a California Real ID eighteen months ago. When I called once to check on it, they said it was in review. I gave up and renewed my passport, which I did online and through the mail in about three weeks. Anyway, she was ready to do my Real ID if I could show one more official correspondence showing my address. I pointed at the official form she printed with my name and address. "How about that?" No dice was the reply. That made me wonder, if I can get on a plane with a passport, why can't I get a real ID with the same document sans the proof of address? I don't have to show proof of address to get on a plane with my passport. I suspect overkill at the DMV.

Happy News From Keck

One year out from my last surgery, There was a scope of my intestines such as they are, and the news was good. There is no new inflammation, and the damage there is less so. I am now looking forward to not returning to the hospital for another year or more.