One Step Back Ancestor Worship

One Step Back

A month from now, I am removing the last bit of my Crohn's illness. My prognosis is that I will have better energy and regain some of my stamina. Everyone in my house is happy about that. First, the dog who yearns for the time "before, before" when I took her off leash in Runyon Canyon. Secondly, my husband misses his version of scuba Steve. And lastly, I think my obsession with folding laundry and going to bed at 8 pm doesn't qualify as a well-lived life. So I'll be down for about five weeks and back on my feet for Family Festivus in October. Two steps forward. Knock on wood.

Ancestor Worship

Lois, my mother-in-law, died in hospice last week. I remember her as being honest even with strangers. She had a good sense of humor and wanted to be helpful. We have a standard greeting for this occasion, "sorry for your loss."  Ugh! There is a Bill Murry movie where his character's wife dies, and he rejects the standard greeting and says he wants to hear about what she meant to the well-wisher. Condolences are like an emotional IOU. A memory is cash money.

People who pass into memory are still part of your life. I have chats with the memory of my father occasionally. I get to ask him questions, and like my father, his memory is terse, clever, and helpful. I think of it as my form of ancestor worship. I can tell you he has a very low opinion of hospitals and specialists. But I live in hope.

What have I been working on this week?

The building we live in has two apartments available. Check out the link to the company website for details or Craig's List for newer photos.