Note to self, there is no crying in the break room or complacency at the gym

Note to self, there is no crying in the break room or complacency at the gym
Photo by Nick Fewings / Unsplash

Note to self

Get a notes app that you will look at later. There are many options for notes app and second brain. I have tried a few. Mostly it comes down to a pocket field book I use every day. I have a fancy custom app and note pad on my phones, but the note pad I look at daily. This week it saved me from missing a dental appointment on Tuesday that moved from 1 pm to 12 pm. I need a bigger crown to fill a gap from my sleek new implant, which did not come with the AI blue tooth chip of my dreams. I will have to keep scribbling in my field book.

It's the end of the year. The question that James Clear is asking himself and all of us is,

"What is the one lesson you learned this year?"

I learned or I should say finally appreciated that I am so close to my health and weight goals it would be a shame to let PBJ's get in my way of success. I love to snack. I work from home and spend most of my time hanging out at the building. There is way too much snacking. I remember back in 2008, when I started working remotely seeing a mass office text message that there were bacon maple bars in the break room in Seattle. I thought to myself, well I am going to lose a ton of weight working from home in LA. Well beyond the range of Fremont Beer Fridays and bacon maple bar landmines. I still failed to avoid snacking. Now with delicate health I have learned my snacking is stopping me from the ultimate success in health and fitness.

There is an app for that, but it's not easy.

I am walking around the building over the next few days for an end of year safety inspection to make sure the water shut off handles all work and pushing the test buttons on all the smoke detectors. The hardest part was the paperwork. I had to print and post a notice to enter on the door of all the apartments then shoot a picture to post in the inspection app for each location. I find it crazy how the meat of the inspection took the least amount of effort, and the reporting was the hardest part. There should be an app for the app. Or, if my new dental implant had the Ai chipset like I wanted this would not have been an issue.

Workout Motivation

Last year I used a little gym that is within walking distance down the street on Hollywood Blvd. I was getting so bored I saw the same people daily but because they played the music too loud no one ever stopped to chat. Also, the equipment was limited. This month my husband and I started back at Gold's Gym. In Los Angeles there is a family with a big franchise of locations. We can go to one in Glendale or Hollywood as we live directly in the middle of both. Having any reason to leave the building is motivation enough for me to get up and go. It does not hurt that we get to see all the fittest people in America concentrated in one place.

What am I reading this week?

Thinking in Systems| Donella H. Meadows

"There is too much bad news to justify complacency. There is too much good news to justify despair." |Thinking in Systems, Donella H. Meadows

That was just the message I needed to find. The system of picking our president is so broken. A few hundred people across three states sealed our fate. More people voted for someone else than voted for the winner. To make sense of situations like this it helps to think in systems. I recommend starting here. There is a long introduction to systems and how to understand them. It totally gets me out of the conspiracy theory track that non system thinking can cause.