Keep it that Way, and the New Gym smell.

Keep it that Way, and the New Gym smell.
Photo by Jason Leung / Unsplash Keeping our cabinets and closets on message. The robot lodge is perfect.

We have been organizing at the Robot Lodge this week. We have made some tiny tweaks to our apartment layout, from where the dog food supplies live to the surprisingly difficult-to-master change in the location of the silverware drawer. We have lived in this apartment for over ten years now. It's good to shake things up once in a while. All I can think of is Patsy Stone sorting the junk drawer in Eddy's kitchen on Abfab. She gets way too involved in organizing pens, clippies, and tablets and warns everyone not to mess up her sorted drawer, yelling, "Keep it that way!"

There was a reckoning of projects centered around putting things where we use them. It has been insightful. We discovered many items long since lost being recovered. For example, our spice cabinet was bursting, but with a quick sorting, it seems we have room for more treats. Who could have guessed corn starch came in so many types of packaging? Note to self: stop buying corn starch. Another sorting project of Mark's catering kit cleared out one outside storage locker and put some handy utensils back in our kitchen. Also, from our time catering and clearing out leftover apartment kitchens in our building, we have a knife collection to rival the Addams family values movie.

Stay fit until you are dead.

This week, I started at a new gym. It is street level on Hollywood Blvd with huge roll-up glass garage door windows in what used to be the outdoor garden center of Orchard Supply hardware store. The big plus is this location is within walking distance, which is unheard of in Los Angeles. My old gym was close by me in Hollywood. However, it was still not convenient. I was showing up at five a.m. to do my 45 minutes of training to beat traffic and take advantage of easy parking. Even so, my travel-to-training ratio was 50/5o; I spent as long traveling to the gym as I did in the gym. Lastly, I felt it was meant to be when the new gym manager told me I get a 50% discount for being over sixty. Getting old is starting to pay off. I am happy I lived long enough to take advantage of the coupons.

News Flash: the Chicken is Crossing the Road.

East Hollywood is getting a California Chicken Cafe, CCC. It's right across from my new gym adjacent to Barnsdall Park on Hollywood Blvd. One more reason I am happy to have lived this long. CCC is at the top of our list of all the places we love to eat that do not serve pie, fries, or cake.

What am I reading this week?

I am reading Wayward Galaxy 5. The American colonists on a wayward planet are getting the upper hand against the communist forces attempting to end them to maintain control over a distant world. So far in the series, the American Rangers have secured a foothold for themselves and the existing American colonists who arrived on the planet generations ago but lost almost all their technology. In addition, they have formed alliances with former communist elements to gain more technology and bases to stand up to hostile wildlife and an approaching enemy space armada sent to finish them off from orbit.