Everything is a Negotiation

Everything is a Negotiation
Photo by Enrique Fernandez / Unsplash Good habits are like a ladder, having a system of steps gets you were you want to go one rung at a time in either direction.

This week I am reading about hostage negotiation. I almost didn't start it, but I am glad I jumped in.  It's a KT top five suggestion with practical applications you can use immediately.  I tried it out on my husband, and it worked. It borders on Jedi Mind Tricks meets Ferengi Rules of Acquisition. Chris Voss took his real-world experience with hostage negotiation with the FBI and applied the lessons to real-world situations. Now heading his consulting firm Black Swan, his students and clients tell success stories, from getting their kids to bed and asking for a raise to sealing the deal on multimillion-dollar contracts.

My Take Away

He went into a hostage situation where people died. He used his disgust with the results to figure out how to avoid this situation from happening again. Learning and teaching success from failure.

Falling Off a Ladder? Not so Fast.

My first month of retirement in review. I got my Medicare plans sorted and am sporting an AARP prescription drug plan. I think that should count as sexy at 60. If I fall off a ladder, I am covered.

This morning I had my first case of not knowing what day it was. I started wheeling out the recycling for Friday morning. I got to the curb and said to the dog, "Crap! It's only Thursday." It will be a very long retirement if  I already make this mistake. Thankfully, I do have a system to fall back on. I have to stick to it, obviously. I have made such an effort the last few years to plan and take notes it would be a shame to fall down on the habit now.   On the upside, I figured out my internet fracture, which is now mended. I had broken the link between my blog hosting site and the Website name. I am back to square one of making the site work how I want it to, and I have not missed a post.