Dual Citizenship, Ancestor Worship, and Scaffolding again
I'm trapped in the house yet again. Our building is about 70 years old, and the railings in our three-story courtyard must be replaced. On Monday, a vendor set up wrap-around scaffolding so a second vendor, Alpha Structural, could install new, taller, narrower railings, bringing the building up to code. So, a crew will be chipping away the old pottery-like deck surface called magnesite for the next two weeks. It's been raining rocks and rotten wood all this week. I think that will be the worst thing about it.
My husband and I must stay around during work in case of any issues. I also have a two-bedroom apartment to rent on the top floor, so I need to be ready to show it if someone calls.
To entertain myself, I have been looking into dual citizenship by ancestry. It's a sixty-year-old law set up by the Irish government. My Irish Ancestor John Donohue was going to be my ticket into the European Union, but the loophole that could grant me cut from the sod status of Dual Irish-U.S. citizenship is closed. Had my grandfather or pa availed themselves of citizenship by ancestry before I was born, I could have been a contender. That would have been the easy in. I am going to keep looking. There are a few more weeks of stuck-at-home time to occupy myself with desk hobbies. With E.U. citizenship, I could retire to some lovely Italian village, ride a scooter wearing dark sunglasses, and say Caio to everyone I pass. Not that I have given the idea much thought.
I told my sister that if I ever time travel to 1958, I will ask my granddad and Pa to take care of the dual citizenship issue before I come along.
What am I reading this week?
Liminal Thinking | Dave Gray
Summary Link: I am a bit loopy this week. I will have to reread this one when I am more stable. It is about how we look at things. Change your perspective, change your situation.