Burglar Bags, Mantras, Hang In There Baby!

I am at the gym this morning. 95% of my workout has been consumed by climbing the stairs to the third-floor entrance of my gym because the elevator is out of service. Slung over my shoulder is my man purse, or "Murse," that holds my cell phone, notebooks, and neatly folded shopping bags in case I have to drop-and-shop on the way home. I keep the notebooks with me so when I take a break in my training; I can doodle or scribble while I wait for my next set of movements. Matthew Dicks calls this bag a burglar bag. "One should always be ready to steal time back when you have to wait." For example, He keeps notes to send to his students in his bag. Mine has notebooks where I keep to-do lists, a place to write book notes, and shopping bags in case we need supplies.

I am plopped down on a deep window sill between two workout stations writing out my mantra. Don't give up on the person you want to become. (DGUOTPUW2B) Back in the 70s, there was an inspirational poster of a kitten hanging from a closet hanger rail with the imperative slogan, "Hang in there baby!" This is my visual of what not giving up on who I want to become means to me. I may not be crushing it, but I am not giving up. That counts as a 1% improvement and a win. I am hanging in there baby! What helps you hang in there?

What am I reading this week?

I am doing a second reading of Do it now by Matthew Dicks. I am finding that if I read a book twice I get better notes and understanding.