Covid Pillow Fort Airlock Gilmore Girls Marathon

Covid Pillow Fort Airlock Gilmore Girls Marathon
Photo by NASA / Unsplash In my imagination my pillow fort air lock was going to keep me from getting sick.

My husband and I  have been blessed with a healthy respect for viruses. We came of age with the 80's pandemic, HIV, aides, and death. That may have kept us covid free for this long, Masking, hand washing, staying home, going stir-crazy. But my husband left work on a Monday two weeks ago feeling poorly. Early Tuesday morning, we took covid tests, and he tested positive I was still negative and would remain so. Knock on Wood.

Mark and the Mars Colony

We quickly herded his stuff into the office/guestroom/ airlock like he was Christopher Walken and Sissy Spacek in a blast from the past. I fully expected I would get sick, too, but as long as I did not, he was a trooper and stayed isolated as if he was on Mars.  

Gilmore Girls Marathon

He called me to check in and placed orders for things to eat. There was quite a binge of Gilmore Girls' later seasons. His new pet name for me is Luke. The saddest part was our little dog standing at the bedroom door whining for her daddy who was trapped in his Mars habitat. When I did not get sick as expected, I employed my pillow fort-building skills from childhood by hanging up a sheet to create a bit more separation between his door and hallway. I called it the Mars airlock. It also kept the dog from trying to push the door open. Finally, after a few days, he was feeling better and came out of isolation last weekend. We celebrated with the four-part reunion series of Gilmore Girls. We had watched it once before; however, I had not seen the series, so it made no sense to me the first time. This go-around, I had a better grasp of who was who.

Mask Up

My takeaway to pass along from the covid is to mask up and wash your hands. We both have been vaxed, which helps save one from getting hospital level sick. There is a catch because vaxing is not magic. Be warned. Being vaxed will not keep you from getting ill or passing covid along. I mask up when I go inside some place like the grocery store. Also, I ate pop tarts and did not get sick. That should get studied a bit more rigorously so today I bought another box.