Count all your wins

Count all your wins

In the movie Grand Budapest Hotel, a group of convicts runs into a group of guards as they are trying to pull off an elaborate escape. One of the convicts jumps down onto the guards. A battle to the death ensues between 5 guards and the single convict with a knife. At the end of the knife fight, that happens off screen, the last guard stabs the lone convict as the loan convict stabs the guard. One of the convicts watching from the sidelines says to the other convicts, "We'll let's call that a draw."
It's funny what counts as a win. Recently a capsule parachuted in from space and landed in the desert with three astronauts aboard. It was a great success. I thought, how is this a success?  Three people, who probably don't like each other much, get squeezed into a soviet space capsule. They get unhooked from the space station and fall to earth in a ball of fire, landing in the desert of a country run by a man who poisons people's underwear. But they did land, and no one was either cooked or poisoned. Let's count that as a big success?

During the covid pandemic, my building was under construction for an earthquake retrofit.  With nowhere to go and nothing to do, I created elaborate daily to-do lists to make everything I did a win.  Cleaning the car became a win. Walking the dog until she pooped became a win!  I did not defy death by falling out of space in a can full of farts but, I learned how to count my wins.