Best Used By Date, I'd Date Me

Longevity Calculation
How long will someone live? If you knew how long you were going to live what would you do with that knowledge?
On Wednesday I was wondering how long someone who is in the news was going to live. I found an article that offered an outside chance that this person was going to last another 10 years, and a link to a calculator that you can use to figure out general life expectancy for anyone. So, of course I used it on myself and was surprised with the results. Based on my health I figured I might last to 70. Less than 10 years. I think my calculation is pessimistic, or conservative depending on how you want to approach a personal expiration date. I like to think I am what I eat so the used by date on my yogurt container seems like a good reference for my look into longevity.
The calculator asked my BMI? Good normal range. What is my current age? 62 and a half. If I drink or smoke? No. And where do I live? USA.
Wow! I am middle aged according to this calculation. I am going to live well past 100 years old. Or that is the length of time I should expect to hang out on the shelf unless I get recalled, spoiled in a power outage, or sold.
I finished up my personal longevity calculation right before I was planning to go to bed, so it made getting to sleep a little harder. I climbed into bed and jotted down a few notes on the following tangents before I started snoring and the dog abandoned me to sleep at the end of the bed.
Inside joke, I fall asleep pretty much as soon as I lay down and the dog is my go-to bed at 10 pm every night alert. She stares at me to let me know she is ready for me to get in bed so she can too. Dogs are routine driven apps with a waggy tail.
My tangents on living past my prime.
I started thinking about what living past 100 was going to be like. I instantly created a fictional world where my mind gets mapped for AI functionality in tools and avatars that will assist me to get work done as my body becomes too frail. These machines minds should retain parts of my personality. Like the garden mower knows how I like the grass trimmed and the mowers wheels track to line up. Or, an AI that does my correspondence has an interest in sending cards that celebrate off brand holidays.
Farther Down the Road, then what happens?
A complex AI map of my mind will at some point get mistaken for a real person because it is sophisticated enough to mimic my personality traits. Later there will be multiple AI versions that like, one's children retain some of an individual's personality. I thought mine would be the robots in the Walle movie, little automatons that have become their own independent quirky version of me, getting things done with KT. The quip, "I'd date me" could come true.