Anguish Eating the Frog Be the Dog

Election Anguish
I am that kind of liberal socialist homosexual who is wrecked this week. Honestly, I am still traumatized from the last time he was elected. He, as in he who shall not be named. Now he is new and improved, fortified with felony convictions. I feel anguished. It seems to me that the campaign made it clear. I thought the Democrats offered the best option for most people, along with not wanting to send me to a concentration camp. My big takeaway is he is old, lazy, and says crazy things to distract us from his grifting. Hopefully, his administration will muddle along ineffectually, and he will have a Disney Jungle Book ending, slipping into silent slumber.
Ribbit, Ribbit, Eat the thing you fear.
I have been working on projects around the house. I had to figure out how to mark all the work orders complete, pull the dishwasher out, fill all the holes in the back wall of the kitchen counter, and line up testing appointments with my medical team to manage a drug shortage. My sister turned me on to the term, "Swallow the Frog." When you have a task with no easy answer or only hard choices swallow the hard task and get it over with. I pulled the dishwasher out. It was as hard as I expected. It took most of the day. That is, I have enough stamina to do about three hours of work. Such is life with Crohn's. Pulling the dish washer took four hours. Once I finished getting all the parts put back together the next day all my other tasks just fell into place.

Meditation themes this week, be the dog
While I was talking to my sister, we lamented how the president-elect has been in the news every day for the last 15 years. My sisters said her kids just starting college don't remember a time when he was not in the news. I hope I live long enough to hear someone say, "who was that?" We continued chatting about our brother and sister-in-law coming to visit in his new sprinter camping van I looked down at the dog who could care less about my family, who is president, or if the HVAC guys are going to finish my project this month. It gave me such a sense of peace. My new mantra for calming myself is "Be the dog."
What I am reading this week.
I am testing out a new app for microlearning. Headway Ten minute book summaries with audible and text format so I can follow along or listen while I am working around the house. It uses AI to read so there are some funny pronunciation errors, watch out what you are drinking when it says the "Annals of History." I appreciate the distraction from social media where I would slip down the dark rabbit hole of despair.