A Kiss to Build a Dream on Bubble Guns

I am listening to Louis Armstrong, A kiss to build a dream on. My visiting nurse Nora is here with me. She has me hooked up to an IV for my weekly fluids boost and it is pouring rain outside. I am a loose lump of laundry on the, sofa fresh from the dryer, so relaxed and receptive. Out of nowhere, I have a sense that I know something important. My revelation is profound. I am madly in love with my husband and he loves me. He is my kiss to build a dream on. Tears quickly well up when I ponder this truth. I have love in my life. When he gets to work from ,home I can get hugs all day long. Plus, I have food cravings with no appetite. What is going on? The truth is, I am wacked up on 900 mg daily doses of anti-inflammatory steroids that make me burst at the seams with emotions. So, pardon my hot flashes of insights that I confess would be better realized with cannabis rather than Budesinide. However, despite the meds, I am madly in love with my husband. I just don't revel in the bliss often enough.

Taking things for granted is a flaw in me. I think living a life of plenty blinds us to what we have to be thankful for. So how do we remain aware of what is good in our daily grind without letting struggling wear down our sense of wonder?

My problem is I fail to feel gratitude for my extraordinary life while little kids and puppies seem to revel in innocent gratitude. Note how children giggle and the puppies wag their tails. It's like they don't know any better.In comparison, grown people have become disconnected from their gratitude, or sense of wonder. It seems rare to find people who freely express gratitude. I think the kind of people who verbalize their gratitude have had a come-to Jesus moment. That is the world stopped for them for some reason. A car accident, being struck by lightning, a near-death experience, or an actual religious experience. I would hate to have to depend on any of those happening on a regular basis to keep me focused on my gratitude. The easy button way to find gratitude, is taking a hot minute to check myself daily. Being self-aware will help me focus on my fortunate situation. I take a minute to ensure my tail wags, and I can giggle like a third grader with a bubble gun.